To create, train and empower teams from the Tennessee and Kentucky regions, other parts of the USA, and the world with the knowledge of who they are in Christ as Sons of the Kingdom, transforming lives through the power of the Holy Spirit and lifting them above oppression with practical ways to achieve their full potential.
To see people of all ages and backgrounds, regardless of religious backgrounds, receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
• To create a hub for the Holy Spirit to move.
• To be a people of effective pray-ers.
• To raise a body of people from the North, South, East, and West full of faith, walking in the love of God and in the integrity of His Word, living a victorious life and led by the Holy Spirit with Jesus as the central focus in their lives.
• To accommodate growth, places of worship and multi-functional facilities will be placed regionally, enabling us to be one church in different locations!